من خلال سرد قصص السيدات والأمهات في ضوء رؤى الخبراء والمهنيين، نتناول مجموعة متنوعة من المواضيع بدءًا من الأعمال وصولاً إلى الرفاهية والمشورة المهنية والصحة والتعليم والفن والثقافة
Telling stories of women and mothers with the insights of experts and professionals, we approach a variety of topics from Business to Wellbeing, Career advice, Health, Education, Art and Culture.
Is it really, really possible? Listen to successful businesswomen and to mothers that took their motherhood as an opportunity to create successful business ventures. Our guests come from different backgrounds and different cultures: they surpassed the fears, prejudices and obstacles many experience, with perseverance and vision.
Don’t panic about the process, the costs, the how and the where. We provide you a comprehensive guide on how to open your business as well as professional tips on how to go back to work after a career break. It is possible. It’s up to you to choose.
رائدات الأعمال والعلامات التجارية
هل يمكن ذلك؟ استمعي لقصص الأمهات اللواتي استفدن من تجربة الأمومة واستطعن من خلالها تنفيذ مشاريع تجارية ناجحة. يتمتع ضيوفنا بخلفيات متنوعة وينحدرون من جنسيات مختلفة.. لكن ما هو مشترك بينهم هو أن جميعهم تجاوزوا العقبات والمصاعب خلال رحلتهم هذه وتميزوا بالإصرار والمثابرة على طول الطريق.
لا تقلقي بشأن الخطوات والتكاليف وتطرحي أسئلة مثل كيف ومتى. هنا ستجدين دليلاً شاملاً لبدء عملك الخاص بمساعدة قصص كثيرة ومتنوعة من مختلف البلدان والثقافات. ومن ثمّ لكِ حرية الاختيار.
Video Highlights: Women@Work before, during and after maternity with Managing Director Louise Karim
Managing Director of Women@Work, Louise Karim, is an experienced Marketing and Communication Specialist with a career of more than 17 years’ in both the international and regional markets.
Click on the image to see the interview highlights.

Video Highlights: A deep dive into Dubai Property Market, through good and bad times with COO Dounia Fadi
Dounia Fadi, COO of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Gulf Properties, joins us to talk about the real estate market in such critical timings. Is it appropriate to run comparison between 2020 and 2008 crisis?
Click on the image to see the interview highlights.
Video Highlights: When Fashion becomes Pashion with Susan Sabet, Editor in Chief of Pashion Magazine.
Susan Sabet is Founder and Editor in Chief of Pashion, the most prominent fashion magazine in Egypt. She is recognised among the 500 most influential people in the Fashion industry worldwide.
Click on the image to see the interview highlights.

Video Highlights: Fashion, Luxury, Brand & Retail: ShopFloor to CEO with Asil Attar
With over 25 years’ experience in the fashion, luxury, brand and retail industry, Asil has led International companies in senior executive positions and became first female CEO of three of the Middle Easts leading groups.
Click on the image to see the interview highlights.
الصحة والرفاهية
متى سأجد الوقت للتفكير في نفسي ولديّ أطفال وجدول زمني صعب؟ هل يستطيع مدرب الحياة مساعدتي حقًا؟ يمكن أن يؤدي قضاء بعض الوقت بشكل متكرر لتتنبه حواسكِ ومحيطكِ وأفكاركِ إلى تحسين حياة جميع الأشخاص من حولكِ. يشارك مدربو الحياة والأطباء والمتخصصون في هذه المدونات الصوتية نصائحهم بشأن كيفية اتخاذ أصعب القرارات في حياتكِ والحفاظ على كونكِ الأم التي تحلمين بها.
With kids and a demanding schedule, when would I find the time to think about myself? Could a life coach really help me out? Frequently taking a moment to be mindful of your senses, surroundings and thoughts can improve the life of all the people around you.
Life coaches, doctors and specialists in these podcasts share their advice about how to approach the most difficult challenges in our life and be the best version of ourselves.
We are the first window to the world for our children, they see the world through the lens we make for them. Soon they learn more than we know and that becomes the starting point for their future life. Which curriculum? Which school? Languages, art, sports and then universities, local, American, European…so many options and opportunities.
Listen to comprehensive explanations of the pros and cons of different curricula and schools from educators and from mothers, without forgetting online schooling..!! and because education culminates in Arts & Culture we expand this segment to include stories and insights on the current Arts Scene.
التربية والفنون
نحن النافذة الأولى لأطفالنا على العالم، إنهم يرَون العالم من خلال المنظور الذي نوفره لهم. وسرعان ما يتعلمون أشياء أكثر من تلك التي تعلمناها، وهذه أول خطوة لهم لبناء مستقبلهم. أي منهج؟ أي مدرسة؟ اللغات والفنون والرياضة ثم الجامعات الوطنية والأمريكية والأوروبية… العديد من الخيارات والفرص.
استمعي الى شروحات عن الايجابيات والسلبيات لمختلف المناهج والمدارس بالإضافة إلى المدارس التي تعتمد نظام التعليم عبر الإنترنت، من وجهة نظر مدرسين وأمهات خاضوا التجربة..!!
Video Highlights: Redesigning Children Education for the Future with Dr. Vandana Gandhi.
Dr. Vandana Gandhi is the innovation-driven founder and CEO of British Orchard Nursery, with 20 locations in the UAE and UK.
Click on the image to see the interview highlights.

Video Highlights: Abu Dhabi to California and back: finding the center with pioneering urbanist Alamira Reem Al Hashimi.
Interview with Alamira Reem Al Hashimi, the first Emirati woman to be awarded a PhD in urban planning and who wrote the first urban history book of Abu Dhabi.
Click on the image to see the interview highlights.
Video Highlights: An insight into Dubai Future Foundation with Head of Area 2071 Maha Al Mezaina
Interview with Maha Al Mezaina, Head of Area 2071 at Dubai Future Foundation.
Click on the image to see the interview highlights.

Video Highlights: Human Intelligence and Emerging Technologies with Dr Sana Farid
Dr Sana Farid introduces us to emerging technologies such as VR, AR and helps us to understand how , from her perspective, the use of futuristic technologies can make the world a better place.
Click on the image to see the interview highlights.

Video Highlights: Paper Motions with rising Lebanese artist Liane Mathes Rabbath
Interview with Liane Mathes Rabbath, an artist that has been living in Lebanon for over 30 years.
Click on the image to see the interview highlights.